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DAM Frequently Asked Questions

Why swim with Davis Aquatic Masters?

  • Swimming is great exercise.
  • Our heated pools are available year-round.
  • Swimming with others of your ability is fun, and creates new friendships.
  • DAM offers nine daily workouts.

Who are DAM Members?
DAM has over 500 adult swimmers, most of whom swim for fitness, the friendly social atmosphere, and for rehab from injuries. From students to retirees, the ages range from 18-98.

I'm not a very fast swimmer, can't swim all the strokes, and I am not sure I can finish an hour workout. How good/fast do I need to swim in order to join?
DAM welcomes swimmers of all abilities. ­We have all members ranging in skills from ex-college to novice swimmers. If you can swim freestyle with sideways breathing for 4 lengths of the pool, our coaching staff can help you improve your skills and endurance. You don't need to be able to swim all the strokes to join! Don't be afraid to ask for help. Workouts are adjusted to take into account each swimmer's ability level. We offer a special workout where 65+ year old seniors have lap swim options in our first three lanes at 10am Monday to Friday.

What is a typical workout? How many yards per workout?
Each workout runs for ONE hour (don't worry if you can't finish the whole hour initially). The coach gives the sets, which vary in distance per lane. The faster lanes generally cover slightly over 3,000 yards per workout, with slower lanes about a third of that distance. Space permitting, you may enter a workout late. The lanes are limited to a maximum of 5 swimmers of similar ability per lane to avoid overcrowding, and for additional safety reasons.

What are the rules for swimming in a lane with other swimmers?
There's actually quite a bit you will need to learn about becoming a good lane mate. Many of the ways we do things is just common sense. But there are a number of things you will need to learn, some of which you can pick up, others that your lane mates will teach you, and some you will learn the hard way. Learn about lane awareness and pool etiquette.

AnchorWhen are workouts offered?
We hold 8-10 practices each weekday:

  • Civic Pool: 6AM, 7AM, 10AM, 11AM, 12PM, 1PM, 6:15PM (MWF 8AM & 9AM workouts added in Fall-Spring)
  • Arroyo Pool: 6AM

On weekends, we hold 2 practices and 2 lap swim sessions at Civic Pool.*

  • Practices: Saturday 7:00AM and 8:00AM 
  • Lap Swim Sessions: Saturday and Sunday 9:00 - 12PM. 

See the daily workout schedule.

Where are the pools located?
Civic Center pool is at the corner of Russell Blvd. and B St. behind the Davis City Hall. (Russell Blvd. becomes 5th St. on the other side East side of B St.) Arroyo Pool is on Shasta Drive, West of 113 off of Covell Blvd.

What's the water temperature?
It is usually a comfortable 80 degrees.

Are locker rooms and hot showers available?*
Yes, at Civic they are adjacent to the pool behind a gated walkway. At Arroyo, they are in the main pool building upon entering the facility. 

I'm not in the best of shape now, and don't look so great in a swimsuit. Do I have to wear a racing swim suit?
Any swimsuit will do. And with over 30 swimmers in an average workout, all body types are represented! People aren't focused on your looks as much as you might be. Just hop in and get some exercise! If you put if off, you might never get going.

Are there competitions?
DAM normally hosts three annual competitions, which provides the opportunity for members to volunteer and compete. DAM's Lake Berryessa Open Water Swim is held on the first Saturday of June each year. In November, DAM sponsors the Brute Squad Postal Swim. Other pool races and competitive events are offered almost every month in our region. Competition is optional, but you are encouraged to join in and show your team spirit.  

Can I try a few trial swims before I sign up? 
Prospective DAM members may participate in a 30-Day Tryout (Trial) Guest membership option. 
U.S. Masters Swimming provides short-term guest memberships to prospective members who wish to “try out” a Masters swimming program, to participate in workouts, clinics, or Adult Learn-toSwim programs only (NOT to swim in meets or open water race events).

If you would like to take advantage of this trial, you must first pass the 100 yard freestyle swim test and then submit your completed USMS Guest Membership Application to the coach of your first practice. Goggles and suits are necessary, swim caps are optional.

What does it cost?
The regular monthly membership is $58. The monthly cost is discounted to $53 for Senior members (those over 65), $34 for students (with a valid student ID), and $9 for Super Seniors (members over 80). All new members are required to sign up for direct payments. New members must also join US Masters Swimming. (We require this so that DAM has liability insurance). Those who are interested can check out DAM by swimming a couple of workouts for free. Ask about the free swims at the pool. Visiting Davis? Drop in at a DAM workout. Guest fee is only $10 per swim or $20/week.

Does DAM have social events outside of the pool?
You'll meet members in the pool, and you'll meet even more at DAM social events - both formal and informal.  DAM sponsors a number of parties each year ­ - a one hour swim celebration in the spring, summer picnic & BBQ, annual meeting and holiday party in early December.  

Where can I get more information?
Email Coach Matt Zachan or pop by Civic Pool at one of the workout times convenient for you.

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